Built for Bitcoin Builders
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Use Cases
What could you build?
Bitcoin DeFi
Bitcoin DeFi will enable decentralized ways to earn yield on BTC. Yield is generated by putting idle capital to work, for example through lending or securing a network or application.
Scaling Ordinals
As Ordinals continue to grow, moving certain functions to the L2 can enable faster and cheaper experiences for users while enabling richer experiences powered by smart contracts.
Scaling BRC-20
BRC-20's are in their infancy, but we've already seen they can congest the network. sBTC could allow BRC-20's to leverage smart contracts while alleviating pressure on the Bitcoin L1.
Trust-minimized asset swapping
sBTC can be used to swap assets. Users can swap their BTC for other assets in a decentralized way, without having to rely on centralized exchanges.
Managing BTC risk
Bitcoin price can fluctuate rapidly. sBTC allows users to manage BTC risk by swapping it for stable coins during periods of high volatility.
Lending & Borrowing Bitcoin
sBTC-powered applications can make it safer to use BTC as collateral to borrow against. Bitcoin's limited supply and fast transferability makes it a perfect asset to borrow against.

In addition, it will be easy to build experiences that allow users to lock up their Bitcoin in a smart contract and borrow trustlessly from a network of lenders including institutions and individuals.
Bitcoin DeFi
Bitcoin DeFi will enable decentralized ways to earn yield on BTC. Yield is generated by putting idle capital to work, for example through lending or securing a network or application.
Scaling Ordinals
As Ordinals continue to grow, moving certain functions to the L2 can enable faster and cheaper experiences for users while enabling richer experiences powered by smart contracts.
Lending & Borrowing
sBTC-powered applications can make it safer to use BTC as collateral to borrow against. Bitcoin's limited supply and fast transferability makes it a perfect asset to borrow against.
Trust-minimized swaps
sBTC can be used to swap assets in a trust-minimized way. Users can swap their BTC for other assets in a decentralized way, without having to rely on centralized exchanges.
Scaling BRC-20
BRC-20's are in their infancy, but we've already seen they can congest the network. sBTC could allow BRC-20's to leverage smart contracts while alleviating pressure on the Bitcoin L1.
Managing BTC risk
Bitcoin is a volatile asset, and its price can fluctuate rapidly. sBTC allows users to manage BTC risk by swapping it for stablecoins during periods of high volatility.
sBTC Developer Release